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Stop sexual abuse of children

Studies suggest that more than 7,200 children, including infants, are raped every year; experts believe that many more cases go unreported.

Inviting articles/stories/views from people World Day of Social Justice - 20 February

Inviting articles/stories/views from people International Women's Day - 8 March Send us a Email

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Stop abuse of environment

Protecting environment and preserving natural resources is essential for maintaining community sustainability .We need community vision and participation.

Inviting articles/stories/views from people World Wildlife - 8 March Send us a Email

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Stop abuse of Health

Substance misuse is the harmful use of drugs or alcohol for non-medical purposes. Substance abuse and addiction can have short-term and long-term impacts on physical, mental, social and financial health.

Inviting articles/stories/views from people Cancer Day -4th February Send us a Email

together We can show that we are not inhuman or selfish but we do Care

We care’ foundation is a registered as Society
According to section 20 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860

Our Programmes

We Care

❯   Active involvement by the community
❯   For
❯  Well being of community ( health & safety)
❯  Empowerment ( skill and income generation )
❯   Encouraging civic sense
❯  Promoting talent in budding sportsperson, musicians and artists
❯  Against
❯  Sexual child abuse
❯   Reckless behavior towards environment
❯  Sustainable solution for disabled
❯  Health abuse
❯   No one time efforts… sustainable solutions.
❯   Sexual abuse: Knowledge ?? Structural changes! Individual changes? Cultural       changes!
❯   Reckless behavior: again K < S < I < C
❯   Disabled?? To ability “SICK”
❯   we care: we make the first change : we inspire
❯   Its not happening with us !
❯  Its not my problem
❯  Its only for today
❯   Its karma
❯  N th excuse.
We believe in
❯   Sustainable solutions
❯   Responsible freedom/ social ethics
❯  In social inclusion of disabled
❯  In empowerment